Project Description

Erasmus+ KA210 Small Scale Project, ‘Go Digital for a Greener Future’ has been started by a group of teachers from The Netherlands and Turkey. With this project, the main aim has been to create an educational website with teaching materials in accordance with ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) goals for teachers from different subjects.

ESD here refers to the UN`s one of the integral elements of Sustainable Development Goal on quality education and the addressed global topics in this project are climate change and environmental degradation. Educational content aimed in this project will be in different forms such as lesson plans, teaching ideas and worksheets. They will be easily accessible to other teachers via the website and will be supported with field activities that involve interaction with community to appreciate active citizenship.

The website will also give chance to other teachers to contribute by sharing their experiences and, in the long term, by their own teaching ideas. With this educational website, we want to accomplish awareness directly in teachers, indirectly in students who will actively participate in pilot classes. With field activities to interact with the local community, we plan to broaden our target audience. Interested teachers will benefit from sample lesson plans for different subjects such as chemistry, biology, art, language, drama, project-based learning for the theme ‘sustainability’, and they will be easily adaptable to their annual plans.

Our agreed objectives with this project are: 

-to appreciate the idea of a sustainable and peaceful society by gaining knowledge and developing values and skills,

-to create awareness in our schools, local communities and regions by showing how we can disseminate the ideas to be greener with the help of digital platforms,

-to promote active citizenship by enabling project-based education,

-to increase the quality in the work and practices of the organisations and institutions involved in our project,

-to produce a final product helping to create responsible world citizenships with learning development,

-to help professional development of teachers; so, teachers can research, collaborate and create in an international environment to enhance their own professional development.

Teachers will eventually increase their competency in preparing educational content and learn how to work in a digital era by investigating the ways of securing the Earth and designing the ways of protecting our environment.

Additionally, by achieving aforementioned goals, teachers in the project schools and locals and schools’ staff will have an awareness on the importance of sustainability and environmental issues such as climate change. Digital transformation will also have been stimulated with innovative learning and teaching practices. Learning how to use resources in an efficient and sustainable way will ensure teachers to be aware of environment and climate change with innovative practices in this digital era.

All in all, teachers at the project schools will have gained perspective on sustainability to produce educational content to be used in their own and local schools for future.