Project Stakeholders

Varendonck College, The Netherlands

Varendonck College is a secondary school that provides education to students aged eleven to eighteen. In The Netherlands secondary education is streamed in levels and Varendonck offers all levels; from LWOO to vwo. The school provides education from vocational level up to academic level. The school has two locations: one location for vocational education and one location for pre-professional and pre-academic education. Within the latter location they also have different streams. Besides their mainstream group who follows regular Dutch education Varendonck also has a bilingual steam. These students follow half their classes in English and half their classes in Dutch and their education programme is more focused on internationalism. Moreover, they also have a Technasium-stream, these students work on projects based on problem-based learning. The school receives their projects from local business who need creative solutions for their businesses.

TED Ankara College Foundation High School, Turkey

TED Ankara College is a fully equipped exemplary educational facility including Kindergarten, Primary, Secondary and High School. As the partner school, TED Ankara College Foundation Private High School is especially guided by specific principles which are to take the needs of each learner into consideration to develop intellectually, emotionally and socially as a whole individual embodying historical, national, and international awareness; to offer opportunities where both national and international programs are available, with strong emphasis on foreign languages and to work with qualified, experienced, and dynamic staff open to innovations. These principals are also fundamentals of European cooperation in education and training as

they cover learning in all contexts specifically by making lifelong learning and mobility a reality, improving the quality and efficiency of education and training and enhancing creativity and innovation not only at education but also on teachers.